Obi-Wan Kenobi cover
09 BBY
Reign of the Empire

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Poster of Obi-Wan Kenobi
2022 - 1 season

Show runner(s): Hossein Amini, Joby Harold
Music by: John Williams
Starring: Ewan McGregor, Hayden Christensen, Maya Erskine, Rupert Friend, Joel Edgerton

09 BBY

Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi has to save young Leia after she is kidnapped, all the while being pursued by Imperial Inquisitors and his former Padawan, now known as Darth Vader.

6 episodes
1. Part I

Airdate: 27 May 2022
Director(s): Deborah Chow
Writer(s): Stuart Beattie and Hossein Amini

Ten years after Order 66, when most of the Jedi Order were killed, the Grand Inquisitor, Fifth Brother, and Third Sister (Reva Sevander) find a surviving Jedi, Nari, on Tatooine. Reva grows impatient and attempts to kill him, forcing the Grand Inquisitor to stop her and allowing Nari to escape.

2. Part II

Airdate: 27 May 2022
Director(s): Deborah Chow
Writer(s): Stuart Beattie and Hossein Amini

After tracking the kidnappers to the planet Daiyu, Kenobi encounters con man Haja Estree, who pretends to be a Jedi. Haja directs Kenobi to Leia's location, where he defeats the kidnappers and rescues her. The Grand Inquisitor learns of their presence and puts the city on lockdown.

3. Part III

Airdate: 01 June 2022
Director(s): Deborah Chow
Writer(s): Joby Harold, Hannah Friedman, Stuart Beattie and Hossein Amini

In his fortress on Mustafar, Vader instructs Reva to find Kenobi, promising to promote her to Grand Inquisitor if she succeeds. Kenobi and Leia's transport lands on the mining planet Mapuzo, and they proceed to the rendezvous provided by Haja. Finding no one there, they take a ride on an Imperial transport.

4. Part IV

Airdate: 08 June 2022
Director(s): Deborah Chow
Writer(s): Joby Harold and Hannah Friedman

Having escaped Vader on Mapuzo, Kenobi and Tala arrive at a Path facility on Jabiim. Meanwhile, Leia, who is now being interrogated for details on the Path by Reva, is being held on Fortress Inquisitorius, the stronghold headquarters of the Inquisitors, located on Nur. Kenobi and Tala plan to infiltrate the fortress to rescue Leia.

5. Part V

Airdate: 15 June 2022
Director(s): Deborah Chow
Writer(s): Joby Harold and Andrew Stanton

Vader reflects on lightsaber training he had with Kenobi prior to the Clone Wars, as the former tracks the latter to Jabiim. Vader promotes Reva to Grand Inquisitor and she leads a siege on the Path facility, deactivating its escape doors. To stall for time, Kenobi negotiates with Reva and deduces that she knows Vader's true identity as she witnessed his massacre at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant as a Youngling.

6. Part VI

Airdate: 22 June 2022
Director(s): Deborah Chow
Writer(s): Stuart Beattie, Joby Harold and Andrew Stanton

Reva arrives on Tatooine to locate Luke, while Darth Vader and the Empire pursue the Path network. Kenobi separates from the group so that the Path can escape after realizing Vader is only after him. He goes to a nearby planet to confront Vader alone.

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Format: Live action
Running time: 36-53 min
First airdate: 27 May 2022
Last airdate: 22 June 2022
Official website:
IMDB: Obi-Wan Kenobi
