This website shows all movies, TV shows and video games related to the canon Star Wars universe, chronologically ordered (ABY/BBY).
"BBY" and "ABY" stand for "Before / After the Battle of Yavin", also known as the Battle of the Death Star, a major event happening in Star Wars Episode IV - A New Hope.

Coruscant Archives focuses on the canon universe. Thus, some past movies and TV shows will not be mentioned, such as Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003-2005). Some media that are short stories across all times and/or that aim a youth public are also excluded from the timeline (eg. Star Wars: Forces of Destiny and Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures).

Some other video games released under Disney are not listed here. Those games, with a lot of qualities and mainly multiplayer, do not have a story meaningful enough to appear in the canon timeline.

You might be interested to see some other detailed timelines of the Star Wars universe. Check out these websites:

May the Force be with you!